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Alison Matthews

Alison Matthews

VirtuAli Admin Solutions

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Hello, I’m VirtuAli, your business support specialist and an extra set of virtual eyes, ears and brain power! When you started your business did you expect to have all the admin that you have? As a business owner myself, I fully get how stressful and difficult it is to run your own business, but you don't have to do it alone! I’m here to support and guide you to put systems in place so you have LESS Admin Pain and be a business owner who feels in control and who is organised, strong and efficient!

👉 Are you a small business owner who is juggling all the hats and has a general feeling of overwhelm in your business?
👉 Are you wasting precious hours on administrative processes because you don’t know a better or faster way to do things?

The aim of my business is to help you, the busy entrepreneur, be much LESS busy and let you concentrate on the ‘ing’ reason why you started your business i.e., teaching/coaching/training/healing/making-whatever it happens to be !
My name is Alison, Ali for short, I am a Virtual Assistant (VA) and my business name is VirtuAli Administrative Solutions.

✅ Organisational hours where we can look at the areas of your business that are causing you stress and offer solutions
✅ I offer packages on an hourly/ongoing or project rate to help you set up tools you are struggling with
✅ I can take away your admin pain by helping you streamline processes

✅ Virtual support packages for creating and delivering events where there is always a lot of admin!

Awards & Recognitions

  • 2021 - Runner up “UK Outstanding VA” 2021 judged by the UK VA Awards
  • 2020 - Northern Ireland Virtual Assistant (VA) of the Year 2020 judged by the UK VA Awards

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